Watch competition winner Fuse PhD student share her research in 3 minutes

Congratulations to PhD researcher Cassey Muir, who won the School for Public Health Research (SPHR) 3-Minute Thesis Competition.
Cassey, based at Newcastle University, was voted winner by the NIHR SPHR Public Partners Network and runner-up by her peers in the School’s Research Network (ResNet) during the 2020 NIHR SPHR PhD Student Annual Meeting.
Cassey’s SPHR research focuses on exploring young peoples’ experiences of parental substance misuse, to understand how they are impacted and how they cope day-to-day. Through engaging with young people and practice and policy professionals, she hopes to begin to understand how to best promote resilience in young people whose parents misuse substances.
Watch Cassey’s 3-minute Thesis below and find out more about her research here.
Last modified: Mon, 04 Jan 2021 10:31:25 GMT