Submit your proposal for the 6th Fuse International Conference in the USA

Public engagement is a critical requirement not only for public health initiatives but for research funding. However, public engagement can be tokenistic, ignore power dynamics, and lead to frustrations from both public partners and researchers.
How can we put the public back in Public Health?
During the 2024 Fuse Conference at Cornell University USA, we want to explore the strengths, challenges, and opportunities of including the public – along with other essential stakeholders – in public health work.
We invite session proposals that share and explore:
- Practical examples of engaging the public in public health, including successes, barriers and actions taken to overcome barriers
- Methodological and theoretical reflections on involving the public in public health work
- Critical commentaries on the scientific, practice, and policy landscapes that shape and influence how members of the public are engaged in public health work
We’re excited to read your proposal whether your proposal is from a public, practice, academic, or policy lens – or a combination of these!
Proposals will be accepted until February 15, 2024.
About the conference
The 6th Fuse International Conference on Knowledge Exchange in Public Health will be hosted by Cornell University’s Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research in upstate New York, USA.
The conference on the theme "The Promise of Engaging the Public in Public Health" will take place 11-12 June, 2024.
The event is an opportunity for international scholars, policy-makers, community-based organisations, and the public to come together and engage in discussions around research translation in public health, build sustainable capacity, and build effective and lasting partnerships.
Who should attend?
Researchers, academics, policymakers, practitioners, students, and individuals or organisations engaging with public health issues.
Who is hosting?
The Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research (BCTR) named after Urie Bronfenbrenner, aims to expand, strengthen and speed the connections between research, policy, and practice – all to enhance human development, health and well-being. The BCTR is housed in Cornell’s College of Human Ecology.
For more information:
- Visit
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- Download the Flyer 6th Fuse International Conference 2024
Last modified: Wed, 20 Dec 2023 13:06:36 GMT