NIHR SPHR Summer Internships in Public Health Research 2021

Fuse is offering six exciting opportunities through this year's NIHR School for Public health Research (SPHR) summer internship scheme.
The School has re-launched the programme following the success of the 2020 summer internship scheme. It offers undergraduate students with an interest in public health the opportunity to carry out a 6-8-week projects supervised by SPHR Early Career Researcher (ECRs), Fellows and PhD students.
The summer internships will:
- give undergraduates a first-hand opportunity to gain greater experience in the field of public health research
- raise the profile of public health research careers amongst undergraduate students
- encourage students with an interest in public health from a wide range of degrees and disciplines to undertake a placement in public health research.
The Fuse internships
- Co-producing co-production principles for research in the NIHR SPHR and NIHR Applied Research Collaborations (ARCs): supporting qualitative data analysis, co-design process and methods. Teesside University.
- Developing an audit tool for suicide prevention training across the North East and Cumbria. Teesside University.
- Effects of changes in income on the mental health of children in poorer families during a period of austerity in the UK. Newcastle University.
- Exploring and understanding access to community mental health and addiction support for individuals experiencing homelessness during the pandemic. Newcastle University.
- Exploring the effectiveness of ‘Forest Schools’ on the health and development of pre-school aged children. Durham University.
- Physical activity interventions for improving public mental health. Durham University.
How to apply
Undergraduate students can explore the opportunities above and at each of the Members. If you are interested in a project you can find out more on how to apply by selecting the specific project. Each Member will have their own recruitment process, it is important to read the information for the project carefully before applying. If there is not a link to the project you are interested in please check again as this will become available once the position is out for advert. Any queries can be sent to
SPHR Summer Internship 2021 - Explore opportunities by Member
Last modified: Fri, 26 Mar 2021 13:48:42 GMT