NIHR School for Public Health Research - Annual Scientific Meeting 2021

The School will hold its seventh Annual Scientific Meeting across two days from 13th – 14th May 2021.
There will be a number of key note speakers and debates to discuss the longer term consequences of COVID-19 and future learning for public health, with particular focus on the health inequalities that have been exposed and worsened by the pandemic, the policy implications and how we deal with that as a community.
The event will also provide an opportunity for the School to showcase the latest public health research across its programmes and themes including:
- Children, young people & families
- Public mental health
- Places & communities
- Changing behaviour at population level
- Health inequalities
- Efficient and equitable public health systems
Follow on Twitter @NIHRSPHR #ASMSPHR2021
Who can attend this event?
This event is open to members of the School, collaborators and public partners.
Last modified: Thu, 11 Mar 2021 12:52:32 GMT