NIHR NENC CRN Strategic Funding Call to meet local priority health needs

NENC CRN have now released details of a new funding call which is specifically targeted to 9 disease (including Public Health (Prevention)) and 2 cross-specialty areas of multimorbidity and deprivation and social inequality.
It is anticipated that applications could be received from any Specialty Group to these awards working either in combination or across the cross-specialty local priority areas listed in the guidance.
This programme will be coordinated by the relevant Specialty group leads and Senior Management Team (SMT) colleagues in the areas targeted for the opportunity, so if you are considering a disease specific bid you may wish to liaise with them about ideas and opportunities.
There is a requirement for all bidders to engage with the Public Health Specialty Lead/Associate Leads (who have to add their names to all submitted bids) by sharing a final draft of your bid by 17:00 on Thursday 18th February 2021. The CRN Public Health Specialty Lead and Associate Leads are:
- Sarah Sowden – Specialty Group Lead (
- Anna Christie – Associate Group Lead for South of Tyne (
- Lucy Devapal – Associate Group Lead for North of Tyne (
- Scott Lloyd – Associate Group Lead for Durham and Tees Valley (
The deadline for submission of this bid is 28th February 2021.
Application Form - Targeting Health Needs funding call
Guidance document - Targeting Health Needs funding call
Completed proforma applications should be sent to
Last modified: Tue, 09 Feb 2021 09:41:58 GMT