NIHR ARC NENC Open Funding Competition 2020

The NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North East & North Cumbria is pleased to invite original and high quality research proposals focused upon regional health and care priorities.
Applications are welcome from a wide range of collaborations which include individuals working in universities, NHS and social care providers, local authorities, charities, voluntary sector organisations and businesses. All proposals must include university representation from a relevant ARC theme and a representative from another organisation category, but any partner can lead the application.
A maximum of £100,000 over 2 years will be available for exceptional projects, but it is expected that costs for most proposals will be lower and all will be scrutinised for value. Matched funding is encouraged. Proposals must be formally costed and agreed by a responsible finance officer in the host organisation.
A maximum of £100,000 over 2 years will be available for exceptional projects, but it is expected that costs for most proposals will be lower and all will be scrutinised for value. Matched funding is encouraged. Proposals must be formally costed and agreed by a responsible finance officer in the host organisation.
Proposals must be linked to an ARC NENC theme and include evidence of support from the relevant theme lead or deputy lead (if they are not already involved).
Full details: NIHR ARC NENC Open Funding Competition 2020
Closing date for registrations: 12pm on 13th March 2020.
Closing date for submission of a proposal: 12pm on 8th April 2020.
Proposals which are submitted without prior registration will not be processed.
Applicants will be informed of the outcome in late July / early August 2020.
Projects must aim to start between 1st October 2020 and 31st December 2020.
All projects will be expected to provide updates and a publicly available final report.
Last modified: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 16:15:50 GMT