Green Infrastructure for Community Wellbeing

The course is specifically for local authority professionals, especially at Newcastle and Gateshead Councils working in the fields of: planning and development, including policy and development management planners and urban designers; public health; environment; highways and transport; culture and leisure services; education; and housing. There are also a small number of places available for those working in the voluntary and community sector.
The course will look at providing a framework for those unfamiliar with Green Infrastructure (GI) that can be used in future project development to link health, wellbeing and the natural environment. It will illustrate GI interventions, enhance transferability of locally relevant project findings to broader contexts, including restoration facilitation and mitigation, and consider active travel, through mini talks, discussions and case studies.
The course will be delivered virtually, over two afternoon sessions:
Wednesday 18th November 2020 2pm-5pm
Wednesday 25th November 2020 2pm-5pm
The course is part of a wider project named “Multidisciplinary expert panels improving URBan HEALTH trainingS for technicians and trainers” (URB HEALTHS). Funded by EIT Health, (supported by the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union) the project represents a partnership made up of universities and public and private sector organisations, built around three cities: Madrid, Spain; Coimbra, Portugal; and Newcastle, UK. Due to this funding this year’s edition of the course will be provided free of charge.
To find out more information visit
Register your interest in attending
Registration closes 1st November 2020
Last modified: Fri, 16 Oct 2020 14:23:52 BST